Where are Insiders currently buying?
The following overview shows the total of open-market transactions by insiders. Other allocations, for example as salary components, have already been filtered out.
Dow Jones
Company | Insider Count | Vol. Buys | Vol. Sells | Difference |
McDonald’s | 2 | $0 | $745,960 | -$745,960 |
Johnson & Johnson | 1 | $0 | $930,113 | -$930,113 |
Apple | 1 | $0 | $1,958,850 | -$1,958,850 |
Caterpillar | 3 | $33,859 | $2,137,960 | -$2,104,101 |
Home Depot | 2 | $0 | $2,483,767 | -$2,483,767 |
Goldman Sachs Group | 1 | $0 | $3,001,740 | -$3,001,740 |
Cisco Systems | 5 | $0 | $3,638,279 | -$3,638,279 |
Salesforce.com | 4 | $0 | $7,616,171 | -$7,616,171 |
The Travelers Companies | 4 | $0 | $7,847,770 | -$7,847,770 |
Amazon.com | 6 | $0 | $14,239,461 | -$14,239,461 |
Visa | 3 | $0 | $15,578,344 | -$15,578,344 |
The Coca-Cola Company | 4 | $0 | $23,260,855 | -$23,260,855 |
Procter & Gamble Company | 12 | $0 | $66,338,605 | -$66,338,605 |
Microsoft | 5 | $0 | $77,915,969 | -$77,915,969 |
Walmart | 7 | $0 | $3,676,013,367 | -$3,676,013,367 |