Northern Trust


The Northern Securities Company was a short-lived American railroad trust formed in 1901 by E. H. Harriman, James J. Hill, J.P. Morgan and their associates. The company controlled the Northern Pacific Railway; Great Northern Railway; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad; and other associated line …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Northern Trust

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2/4/2025 SellLanders, John Controller $111.4 $100,296
2/3/2025 SellKarpinski, Jane Executive Vice President $111.3 $251,828
1/30/2025 SellTyler, Jason J. President/Wealth Management $112.7 $252,043
1/29/2025 SellCherecwich, Peter Chief Operating Officer $112.4 $2,936,192
11/29/2024 SellFradkin, Steven L. Vice Chairman $111.0 $1,010,146
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