MSCI Inc. (formerly Morgan Stanley Capital International and MSCI Barra), is an American finance company headquartered in New York City and serving as a global provider of equity, fixed income, hedge fund stock market indexes, and multi-asset portfolio analysis tools. It publishes the MSCI BRIC, MSC …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at MSCI

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12/5/2024 BuyFernandez, Henry A. Chairman and CEO $612.5 $1,777,119
8/28/2024 SellGutowski, Robert J. General Counsel $575.0 $1,044,200
4/30/2024 SellCrum, Scott A. Chief Human Resources Officer $470.8 $4,245,200
4/25/2024 BuyPettit, Cd Baer President & COO $459.4 $3,445,575
4/25/2024 BuyFernandez, Henry A. Chairman and CEO $464.5 $6,056,954
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