Juniper Networks


Juniper Networks, Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The company develops and markets networking products, including routers, switches, network management software, network security products, and software-defined networking technology. The company w …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Juniper Networks

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7/3/2024 SellMiller, Kenneth Bradley EVP CFO $36.5 $1,047,290
7/2/2024 SellMiller, Kenneth Bradley EVP CFO $36.7 $1,466,980
7/1/2024 SellMiller, Kenneth Bradley EVP CFO $36.5 $1,460,084
6/28/2024 SellMiller, Kenneth Bradley EVP CFO $36.0 $1,440,000
6/27/2024 SellMiller, Kenneth Bradley EVP CFO $36.0 $1,440,140
All information without guarantee! No recommendation/consultation! © U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)