GFT Technologies


GreenFuel Technologies Corporation (GFT) was a startup that developed a process of growing algae using emissions from fossil fuels to produce biofuel from algae. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts Greenfuel ceased operations on May 13, 2009 after having raised more than $70 million in investments, ci …

Insider trades and stock quote 2022-2024

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9/4/2024 BuyRuetz, Dr. Jochen Other Leadership Position €20.5 €81,990
6/21/2024 BuyRuetz, Dr. Jochen Other Leadership Position €25.5 €152,802
4/2/2024 BuyRuetz, Dr. Jochen Other Leadership Position €26.7 €53,400
3/28/2024 BuyRuetz, Dr. Jochen Other Leadership Position €27.0 €53,960
3/28/2024 BuyLulay, Marika Other Leadership Position €27.2 €135,974
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