

Guess (styled as GUESS or Guess?) is an American clothing brand and retailer. In addition to clothing for both men and women, Guess markets other fashion accessories such as watches, jewelry, perfumes, bags and shoes.

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

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4/8/2024 SellAlberini, Carlos CEO and Director $30.5 $4,219,338
4/5/2024 SellAlberini, Carlos CEO and Director $30.3 $6,421,685
12/21/2023 SellMarciano, Maurice Ten Percent Owner $23.6 $14,131,440
12/21/2023 SellMarciano, Paul Chief Creative Officer $23.6 $7,065,540
12/4/2023 SellMarciano, Paul Chief Creative Officer $22.5 $3,377,895
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