Fuchs Petrolub SE is a German multinational manufacturer of lubricants, and related speciality products.The company's headquarters are at Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, where the company was founded in 1931. Fuchs is a public company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As of 2008, it is a …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

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8/8/2024 BuyFuchs, Stefan Officer €31.2 €252,487
8/7/2024 BuyFuchs, Stefan Officer €31.4 €224,992
8/6/2024 BuyFuchs, Stefan Officer €31.0 €216,965
8/5/2024 BuyFuchs, Stefan Officer €30.6 €257,838
8/2/2024 BuyFuchs, Stefan Officer €31.4 €291,278
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