Evotec SE is a publicly listed drug discovery and development company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The company operates globally, largely through external alliances with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academic institutions, patient advocacy groups, and venture capitalists. As of D …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

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9/13/2024 BuyWojczewski, Dr. Christian Officer €6.1 €61,088
9/5/2024 BuyDalbiez, Aurélie Officer €6.0 €21,203
9/2/2024 BuyWojczewski, Dr. Christian Officer €6.5 €64,466
8/28/2024 BuyLöw-Friedrich, Prof. Dr. Iris Director €6.7 €100,050
8/23/2024 BuyWojczewski, Dr. Christian Officer €5.7 €113,292
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