

Continental Motors Company was an American manufacturer of internal combustion engines. The company produced engines as a supplier to many independent manufacturers of automobiles, tractors, trucks, and stationary equipment (such as pumps, generators, and industrial machinery drives) from the 1900s …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Continental

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6/3/2024 BuyKoetz, Christian Officer €63.2 €250,397
6/3/2024 Buyvon Hirschheydt, Philipp Officer €63.2 €257,352
6/3/2024 BuySchick, Olaf Officer €63.2 €157,130
6/3/2024 BuyGarcia Vila, Katja Officer €63.2 €179,008
6/3/2024 BuySetzer, Nikolai Officer €63.2 €464,119
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